The 2024 Hurricane Season officially starts on June 1, 2024. All facilities and vessels in the
Houston-Galveston Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone are encouraged to review their severe weather
plans and begin preparations for the hurricane season.

Sector Houston-Galveston has instituted five Port Conditions within our Hurricane and Severe
Weather Plan. As the COTP, I intend to issue Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIBs) and
broadcasts declaring the Port Conditions with further requirements and instructions for vessels and
facilities, as severe weather approaches. Since harbors along the Gulf coast may not provide adequate
safe refuge for approaching storms, I may direct all capable sea-going vessels to make timely
departures from port ahead of Tropical Storm conditions, as necessary. The five Port Conditions are:

Port Condition Whiskey: 72 hours prior to arrival of tropical storm conditions;
Port Condition X-Ray: 48 hours prior to arrival of tropical storm conditions;
Port Condition Yankee: 24 hours prior to arrival of tropical storm conditions;
Port Condition Zulu: 12 hours prior to arrival of tropical storm conditions;
Post-Storm Recovery: COTP will set after a storm has passed once the situation allows.

VESSELS: All commercial vessels shall follow the Heavy Weather Port Conditions listed below. It
is imperative that “Declaration of Intent to Remain in Port” are submitted for all vessels requesting
to remain in port. Submitting timely declarations is also essential. While submitting a declaration may
not necessarily guarantee approval to remain in port, it will give my office the visibility to properly
review the proposed request, assess the risks, provide situational awareness of what vessels will
possibly remain in port for post storm accountability, and ensure facilities are fully aware of the
vessels at their docks that are intending to remain in port.
Following a storm’s passing, and once the port is reopened, vessels returning to port are required to
resubmit a Notice of Arrival as per 33 Code of Federal Regulations Part 160, and this office will
rescreen each vessel prior to reentry. Post storm, vessels may also be required to fill out the “Vessel
Post Storm Self-Assessment Checklist.”

FACILITIES: All regulated commercial port facilities shall follow the Heavy Weather Port
Conditions listed below. All containers, storage tanks, pallets, and other items/equipment that could
create a risk/hazard in a high wind environment shall be secured, as necessary, in accordance with
regulations, industry standards, and best practices.
Waterfront facilities should conduct pre-storm surveys and post storm emergency surveys of their
docks as soon as practical if there is reason to believe that bottom conditions have changed. These
surveys will help determine whether water depths have been reduced, and whether ship traffic will be
able to safely proceed following a storm’s passing. Post storm, port facilities may be required to fill
out the “Facility Post Storm Self-Assessment Checklist.”

All documents (checklists, forms, etc) mentioned in this MSIB can be found on Sector Houston-
Galveston’s Homeport page under Local Contingency Plans. Please contact Sector Houston-
Galveston WWM Division via or the Command Center at (866) 539-8114
if you have any questions.

Waterways Management

Sector Houston-Galveston

U.S. Coast Guard

WWM Duty Cell: 713-398-5823

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