WGMA Corpus Christi Ship Channel

PCT Call Final Update


Thursday, August 10, 2023


Capsized Barge in Ship Channel



USCG Sector Corpus Christi in lieu of a Port Coordination Team (PCT) conference call sent out an email update at 1630 hours today to update the industry on the status of the Corpus Christi Ship Channel. Your WGMA Maritime Affairs team has the following report:


·     The capsized vessel has been recovered.

·     USCG has lifted the Safety Zone and will allow vessel traffic to commence.

·     A revised MSIB canceling the Safety Zone is attached.

·     MSIB 112-23 Update 3

·     The inner harbor safety zones have been cancelled allowing the pilots to address the backlog of vessels.


Agents are advised to maintain close dialogue with the pilot dispatch and Harbormaster offices. Agents are also reminded to keep the eNOA/D’s updated for their vessels.


At this time, NO additional PCT conference calls are anticipated. Should this situation change your Maritime Affairs team will participate and report to our membership afterwards.