The M/V STRIDE will be on a dead ship tow, outbound from Barbours Cut Container Dock 5 to Galveston Pier 34 from 0900 – 1600 (local) on Wednesday January 17th, 2024.  Barbours Cut Dock 5 is approximately 1 nautical mile west of Houston Ship Channel Light 91.  Galveston Pier 34 is approximately .15 Nautical Mile west of Mile Marker 355A.

Vessel Traffic Service Houston Galveston DIRECTS No Meeting or Overtaking of the dead ship tow with piloted vessels in the Houston Ship Channel.

Barge lane traffic may continue uninterrupted but may not overtake each other within 2000 yards of the Dead Ship Tow.

Very respectfully,

Vessel Traffic Service

USCG Sector Houston-Galveston

(281) 464-4837    24/7 Watch Supervisor