The Captain of the Port (COTP) is advising mariners of a change in channel dimensions within the
Houston Ship Channel from Lights 63/64 to Lights 83/84 (South Boaters Cut to Atkinson Island).
New Project 11 Channel dimensions are in effect impacting a section of the Houston Ship Channel
from Light 63/64 (Station 57+000) to Light 83/84 (Station 16+000), known as Segment 1B.
Surveys have been successfully completed extending the main channel to 700 feet wide by 46 feet
deep with barge lanes on either side which are 235 feet wide by 12 feet deep. Depth based on Mean
Lower Low Water (MLLW) in this section. USCG Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Teams have
relocated aids to navigation from Light 63 to Light 84 according to the new channel dimensions.
Currently NOAA charts “do not” reflect the new AtoN positions, however, USCG is actively
working with NOAA to make chart corrections as soon as possible.
These new channel dimensions are available for use, however, Mariners are advised to proceed
with vigilance as they accustom themselves to the new dimensions. The new channel width
(700’) reverts to the previous channel width (530’) at the position of Lights 83/84.
To promote safety, mariners are highly encouraged to update electronic charting systems on a
regular basis to ensure chart accuracy and visibility of new changes.
Mariners can view the status of all AtoN, including the relocation of above at
This MSIB supersedes MSIBs 06-24 and 07-24. Please contact Sector Houston-Galveston WWM
Division at or the Command Center at 866-539-8114 for questions.
Waterways Management
Sector Houston-Galveston
U.S. Coast Guard
WWM Duty Cell: 713-398-5823
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