Please note below regarding the Cat I  Moving Channel Closure on the HSC for the tow of the Battleship Texas for August 31, 2022 from 0600 to 2100(or completion of tow) local.


“The operation will originate from the San Jacinto Battleground in vicinity of Houston Ship Channel Light 131A and terminate at Gulf Copper Shipyard in Galveston. During the transit, vessels will not be permitted to meet, cross or overtake the Battleship TEXAS and it’s escort tugs within 1000 yards without prior approval from Vessel Traffic Service Houston-Galveston. VTS will meter both inbound and outbound vessel traffic accordingly.”


We will keep all updated accordingly.


Best Regards,


Garrett Shackelford

Commercial Operations

Bay-Houston Towing Co.

Office: 713 529 3755

Direct: 713 834 1267

Mobile: 713 851 3828