Port Stakeholders,
We are pleased to inform you that the 36-foot draft restriction implemented in the aftermath of Hurricane Francine has now been lifted. Effective immediately, vessels transiting within Marine Safety Unit Lake Charles’ area of responsibility may resume operations without the previous draft limitation.
This decision comes after a thorough assessment of the waterways and confirmation that conditions have returned to a safe state for deeper draft operations. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during the restriction period, which was crucial for ensuring the safety of all vessels and port operations.
We kindly ask all mariners and facilities to report any hazards or damaged/missing aids to navigation to the U.S. Coast Guard promptly. Your vigilance is essential in maintaining the safety and efficiency of our waterways.
Please continue to monitor local notices to mariners and adhere to any additional safety guidelines issued by the Coast Guard.
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support.