Good Morning,


This will be the final report from the PCT regarding Francine.


  1. NWS – no severe weather is expected through the weekend


  1. Coast Guard report.

Port Condition NORMAL Link

The river is open to deep draft navigation


  1. Corps of Engineers report.

The IHNC is open as of 0800 today

The GIWW is closed from the West Closure Complex to Morgan City, otherwise open


  1. CPRA/Flood Authorities report.

Flood Protection Authority East – Everything is open

Flood Protection Authority West – West Closure is open. Harvey Canal gate is still closed, anticipate reopening this afternoon


  1. Stakeholder report.
  2. Pilots – all pilot associations are fully operational with no issues

BAR – nothing to report

CRPPA – nothing to report

NOBRA – nothing to report

Federal – nothing to report

  1. Ports – no issues to report
  2. Deep Draft Navigation – no issues to report
  3. Shallow Draft Navigation – no issues to report