RE: Urgent Notice: S/A Suspicious Activity In Our Area


MSOC FSO’s and Maritime Community Participants


Be advised, The U.S. Coast Guard  Sector New Orleans – Roy J. Ford, Port Security Specialist Asked us to alert everyone of some suspicious activity which has recently occurred.


There were two suspicious incidents involving possible foreign nationals visiting several MTS facilities in the Lower Mississippi River.

One incident involved an individual attempting to talk their way into accessing a facility without appointment or another involved multiple individuals appearing to take imagery of several facilities from the levy before departing in a rental vehicle.


It is recommended all facilities be vigilant for similar activity and make timely reports to Sector New Orleans and the NRC.


Thank You Roy Ford for the information.



Cdr. Eric J. Acosta, F.S.O./F.L.O.
Cdr. – MSOC St. Bernard / Plaquemines (Covering Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard & Plaquemines Parishes)
Port F.S.O./Law Enforcement Cdr. – St. Bernard Port, Harbor & Terminal District
Lt. – Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Chairman of LA Board Of Directors & Sector Chief Coordinator-FBI/InfraGard, LA
Vice-Chair. USCG Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC) Sector New Orleans

Fusion Liaison Officer – Louisiana State Police Analytical Fusion Exchange

Deputy – St. Bernard Parish Sheriff’s Office
(504) 278-2429 – Office
(504) 450-8402 – Fed Cell 

web: Homeport: 
“Proud Member of InfraGard”
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