
September 10, 2024

Tropical Storm Francine

The National Weather Service (NWS) predicts that tropical storm force winds (34 kts/39mph) from Tropical Storm Francine have the potential to impact our area along the Texas/Louisiana coast within 24 hours.

At 8:00 am on September 10th, 2024, the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Port Arthur (COTP) sets Port Condition YANKEE for the ports of Beaumont, TX, Port Arthur, TX, Orange, TX, Cameron, LA and Lake Charles, LA including all tributaries and connecting waterways. Tropical storm force winds from Tropical Storm Francine are expected to make landfall along the Texas / Louisiana coast within 24 hours. Monitor National Weather Service for most up to date weather and conditions.

The following requirements are in effect for vessels and facilities:

o Affected ports are closed to inbound vessel traffic.
o Except as approved by the COTP, all oceangoing vessels 500 GT and above must have departed designated ports.
o Terminal operators must terminate all cargo operations not associated with storm preparations. Cargo operations associated with storm preparations include moving cargo within or off the port for securing purposes, crane and other port/facility equipment preparations, and similar activities, but do not include moving cargo onto the port or vessel loading/discharging operations unless specifically authorized by the COTP.
o All facilities shall continue to operate in accordance with their approved Facility Security Plans and comply with the requirements of the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA).
o PCT call(s) will be convened as deemed necessary.
• Reminder: Port Closure (ZULU) may be set 12 hours ahead of expected arrival of tropical storm conditions.
This bulletin shall remain active until cancelled or superseded by another bulletin. All documents, forms and checklists described in this MSIB are available on HOMEPORT at https://homeport.uscg.mil/port-directory/port-arthur-and-lake-charles. If you have questions, please contact MSU Port Arthur at (409) 723-6500 or MSU Lake Charles at (337) 912-0073.



Captain, U. S. Coast Guard
Captain of the Port